Tuesday, December 22, 2009

And vacation has begun...

I was hoping to get more writing done than I have, but I am still working when I can.  Michael's home on vacation, too, and he won't leave me alone.  He's forever trying to see what I'm doing.  He just discovered I have a Facebook account, though he's seen me on it a zillion times.  Apparently he hadn't realized what it is.  But he doesn't like that I have it -- he seems to think I've been keeping it a secret.  Whatever.

I did do quite a bit of re-writing, however, and I wrote another 1,000+ words yesterday.  I've been doing a lot of reading.  I read 2-1/2 books between yesterday and today for one of my classes.  I have to read 12 all together.  YA novels.  Not really anything I would have picked so far...  Although I'm only halfway through The Adoration of Jenna Fox and do far I'm liking it.  :)

I read Tyrell and another called Weetzie Bat that I wasn't overly thrilled with.  I'm dying to get into City of Glass but I really feel compelled to get these others done first since I'm on a deadline with them.

OH!  And I finally caved and ordered myself a Nook.  It won't ship out till Feb. 1st though.  That BITES!!  But I'm excited about getting it.

Alrighty...  I fixed up some of the whole relationship scenario with my main characters.  And I think I need to give "The Watcher" a name...  Something "old-timey" but not boring, something that sounds like it could be a bad guy's name...  I dunno.  Victor, Edgar...  Something along those lines.  Cuz I've got them talking and you'd think that she'd ask him his name through all this.

I was thinking, too, this could be a whole "Heaven Can Wait" kinda series.  I could have a teenage girl die in labor and she helps her boyfriend adjust to being a single dad at age 16/17...  Or, I could have a teenage BOY die and have to help his pregnant girlfriend decide whether to have the baby or give it up.  Oooh, that might be good.

I could have a girl die and her bestie is a witch so even after she's gone, she can still see her and talk to her.

I saw a book on Shelfari that had a boyfriend and girlfriend and one had died and it said something like "even death couldn't keep them apart."  So, I dunno.  Lots of different scenarios could work if I can just get the first one to amount to anything.

Got in touch with my dad that I haven't talked to in God only knows how long.  I remember talking to my step-brother, Aaron, when I was living in Wilmington like 12 years ago.  GAWD, can it really have been 12 years ago???  I don't think I talked to my dad at that point, but I may have and just don't remember it.  Yeah, I guess I did cuz I knew he was about to be moving because my half-sister was playing soccer on the junior national team and had gotten an offer to play at a private school or something and it was a really good opportunity?  I don't really remember the specifics.

Anyway, my brother called me in the middle of the night, drunk, and left this loooooong rambling message about how he wants to find our dad.  I told him the easiest way would be to find Aaron because he has the least common name.  My dad's name is apparently EXTREMELY common.  But I would never have been looking for him in freakin' TX anyway -- I thought he lived in Massachusetts.  So, anyway, Shawn's not a take-charge kinda guy, so I did it myself, and immediately got in touch with Aaron, who then got me in touch with everyone else.  Turns out my step-brother, Ryan, and my step-sister, Brie, are only about an hour and a half from me.  They live here in Durham, NC.  Aaron's in Wisconsin, not far from Kim who's in Minnesota.

So...  I guess it's only been a couple of days, but that's pretty much what I've been up to.  Hopefully I can write some tomorrow, and as soon as I post this, I'm going to open my file back up and see what I can add to what I was working on yesterday.  I think I got cut off by Michael before I could finish what I was working on.

Well, better hop to it.  He could come home any time now and spoil all my fun.  :)   hehe

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